It was survival that compelled Dana Candillo to step onto a stripper stage for the first time. After years as a showgirl she saw what suddenly happened to her drug-addicted mother after coming to Christ. Dana realized her own sordid lifestyle needed the same transformation. Watch what happened next.
A a professional bare-knuckles brawler, Rene “Level” Martinez was already dangerous. But the fact that he was also the founder-leader of a 300-man Miami street gang made Martinez a true terror to his neighbors. Until God stepped in.
Training inmates to become “field ministers” who serve as counselors for other inmates, lead prayers, assist prison chaplains and generally serve as a calming influence in prison yards. Let’s see more of this happen!
A poem by Deon Nowell is featured in Daily Light on the Prisoner’s Path. President Obama granted Deon clemency in 2017. Now he’s mentoring other young men in Charleston. Well done, Deon!
Patrick Brassell spent five years in prison. But that’s where he met Jesus in the form of God’s written word sent to him by Christian Library International. CLL has also distributed thousands of copies of Daily Light on the Prisoner’s Path.
He was convicted of white collar crime and sent to a federal prison where he’s remained for nine years…
…leaving her to raise their six children.
More courageous Christian organizations should follow the lead of this Florida group.
The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord. He turneth it as He will, like a river. – Proverbs 21:1
After completing their studies, graduates will be placed in prisons around North Carolina to serve as pastoral counselors, augmenting prison chaplains whose numbers were cut a decade ago by state legislators to save money.