A a professional bare-knuckles brawler, Rene “Level” Martinez was already dangerous. But the fact that he was also the founder-leader of a 300-man Miami street gang made Martinez a true terror to his neighbors. Until God stepped in.
God can send redeemed sinners back into prison to bring light to other men sitting in darkness as they once did.
In the “Doing Good Time” section of Daily Light on the Prisoner’s Path, I tell how Christian prisoners can minister undeserved blessings to unbelieving fellow inmates. These give them an unexpected experience of God’s presence and mercy, lowering their resistance to hearing about God’s love for them.
In this wonderful video by street evangelist Thomas Fischer, a novice speaks words of command in Jesus’ name, resulting in unexpected healings for two young cousins, leading to their personal salvation.
Christian prisoners can minister in this same way in any correctional institution – and with the same results!
Watch this former head-busting drug slinger tell how receiving unexpected fierce love from a few Christians brought him to repentance…and a new sense of purpose. Then he entered California’s state prison system. Although he never read Daily Light on the Prisoner’s Path, his amazing ministry to fellow inmates modeled what readers of my book can also do.